Saturday, August 16, 2008


This is what Krista wrote on facebook!! :]

YEA! She doesn't have rotavirus, E. coli, or Salmonella!!! We can stop wearing the gowns with the static cling :)

She's down to just taking Tylenol and gas drops.

Last night she had a dream and starting singing "My God is so big, so strong and so mighty..." as loud as she could. It's been very funny watching her talk in her sleep.

The kidney doc was so happy with her lab results from last night, that he's reduced the frequency to only 12 hours, instead of 4-6. The better she gets, the less they have to bug her. Now, if we could only get her to realize that the blood pressure cuff isn't trying to attack her...
Thanks so much for the prayers!

This is what krista said....

Some of my favorite quotes in the last 2 weeks. Most from the past 2 days :)

"I smell some poopies"
are you stinky?
"no, it's not me it's Aiden."
Aiden's not here.
"Yes he is"
Where is he?
"He's right here."
well, actually he's at home, but there's no arguing with a two year old on Codeine.

"I smell something...Your face smells funny" referring to daddy's coffee breath.
-Ana Banana

"I want Chicken Nuggets"
"I want Chocolate Milk"
"Aiden, stop it"
"Where's miss Joy?"
"I want my brother"
"I singing a song to Ewic" (eric watts)

Im soo happy everyone is prayin and I KNOW Krista and Dustin appreciate it soo much!!
Thanks a TON guys!! :]


vAdA said...

WOW!!! Thats amazing!! Im so glad shes ok!! Thanks for the update!! Ill still be praying for them!
HA! those little quotes are rele cute!! ttyl 'manda!

kayla said...

ha ha ha! that's grat!!! God really is 'so big and so mighty, there's nothing that He cannot do!'